Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bucuresti - Lipscani

[EN] A beautiful evening on Lipscani in the old centre of Bucharest. The image speaks for itself...
[RO] O seara de vara pe calea Lipscani din centrul Bucurestiului. Imaginea vorbeste de la sine...

For more pictures, you can visit: Romania in images web photo gallery.

Friday, May 11, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Colorful butterfly

Colorful butterfly, originally uploaded by Codrut TG.

A colorful butterfly, resting on a wood.

For more pictures, you can visit: Romania in images web photo gallery.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Colorful butterfly

Colorful butterfly
Originally uploaded by Codrut TG.
A colorful butterfly resting on wood.

This picture was shot in Sebesul de Sus village in Sibiu county.

Dalia flower

Dalia flower, originally uploaded by Codrut TG.

A beautiful dalia flower. Macro shot caught in Valcea county in the Corbi village.